Model |
A35K-M566-G5 |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Releasing time | Max. 25ms |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Operating time | Max. 20ms |
ElectroMagnetic brake_B type brake | Power on: brake is released; power off: brake is operating |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Rotation part inertia moment | 29×10⁻⁷kgf.cm² |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Static friction torque | Min. |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Rated excitation current | 0.33A |
ElectroMagnetic brake_Rated excitation voltage | 24VDC ±10%(no-polarity) |
Approval | CE |
Protection structure | IP30 |
Wire connection | Pentagon |
Motor length | 94.5mm |
Shaft type | Single shaft |
Rated current | 1.4A/Phase |
Winding Resistance | 1.1Ω |
Rotor Moment Of Inertia | 280g·cm² |
Max. Allowable torque | |
Basic Step Angle | 0.144º/0.072º |
Lost motion | ±20'(0.33˚) |
Absolute positon error | ±20'(0.33˚) |
Backlash | ±20'(0.33˚) |
Allowable speed range | 0 to 360rpm |
Reduction ratio | 1:5 |